Información general

Este curso es parte de How to Make Money. Global, Profitable, Ethical.

Learn how to make money and solve dilemmas when starting a new business, using best practices from global companies.
Learn how to make decisions about employment, where and how to invest, selling, pricing & profitability.
All sessions taught by a Vice President, CFO, with a career at Fortune 500 companies, based on the class he teaches at NYU (New York University). No Finance knowledge required. Each session can be watched separately.

  • The ability to understand and make informed business decisions.
  • The ability to discuss the financial performance of any company or investment.
  • A CSR certification to enhance your academic and labor credentials.
  • The program is designed to foster networking, peer collaboration, and engagement with global executives and mentors.
  • Participants with little or no knowledge of finance, who want to be exposed to world-class instruction and speakers, and learn how to raise capital or lead a profitable business.
  • Experienced professionals.
  • Those seeking to reenter the workforce.
  • Young students eager to learn.
  • Those curious about what a graduate university class is like.

Welcome, my name is George Benaroya. During the day, I work as a CFO, or Chief Financial Officer. I started my career at Procter & Gamble, then Tetra Pak, Nivea and now Private Equity.
I spent one half of my career at headquarters in Switzerland, New York and other cities; and one half running local operations in Europe, Asia, Latin America and now the US. I lived in 9 countries. These operations ranged in sales from $20 million to $2 Billion.
During my career, I visited clients and operations in 193 countries.
Once per week, I do something I love. I teach a graduate class at NYU, New York University. During the Christmas break at the University of Salamanca in Spain, and on weekends, a program for free, for high school students who join online from 100 countries. There is no better return on investment than education.
There is no textbook in any of my classes. Each course, students learn something that they can use right away, at work, to get a job or for their own personal benefit. You can see what students say about my teaching style when you google my name.
For my classes at NYU, I invite the most senior executives from Fortune 500 companies to speak to the class. The sessions are open to everyone and students ask questions themselves, to these executives. You are invited.
I make each one of lessons separate from each other (one lesson per course). Please join me to learn how to manage a small company or a global multinational, to be Global, Profitable and Ethical.


Artificial intelligence (AI). Have an idea for a start-up that uses AI to improve how we make, buy, or sell products and services? Want to persuade your boss or investors your strategy is solid using financial metrics? Curious how you can benefit from research and leverage where others have failed? Learn how to unleash the potential of AI for your business idea.


At the end of the session, you will have learned:

  • Market research in practice: why did you pick this class?
  • How to gather the best financial information. Free. SEC, Company websites, brokers
  • The 3 best places to search for information about complex topics.
  • How to ask questions at shareholders meetings
  • The full and marginal cost of a cup of coffee at Starbucks.



  • Sesión en directo Entrevista 29/03/2022 - 5:00pm (hora Madrid)  Enlace al evento
    "There is no better return on investment than education"
    George Benaroya, Global Vice President, CFO. Procter & Gamble, Tetra Pak, Nivea. Adjunct Faculty NYU
    Juan Manuel Corchado, BISITE, Universidad de Salamanca
  • Sesión en directo 21/04/2022 - 9:00pm (hora Madrid)  Enlace al evento
    "Enabling growth at Disney Parks, Experiences & Products"
    Kevin Lansberry, Executive Vice President and CFO, The Walt Disney Company
    *Sesión organizada por NYU SPS
  • Sesión en directo 28/04/2022 - 02:00am (hora Madrid)  Enlace al evento
    "Enabling global, sustainable growth at Coca-Cola"
    Joanna Price, Senior Vice President. Chief of Communications, Sustainability and Public Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company
    *Sesión organizada por NYU SPS
  • Próximamente
  • Próximamente


George Benaroya

Global Vice President, CFO. Procter & Gamble, Tetra Pak, Nivea. Adjunct Faculty NYU (New York University)


George is an excellent speaker, who can take complex financial topics and explain them in a clear and understandable way. He's a global executive and an entrepreneur with broad expertise, His conversational presentation style effectively communicated the content in a relaxed and calm manner. I wish that all of the people who report to me (and all of the people to whom I report) had the knowledge and capability that George exhibited.

Fred Stein
Senior Project Manager

George is a terrific presenter. For 90 minutes, he captivated a large conference room of senior executives with various titles. He was very informative and entertaining. He leaves everybody wanting more.

Chris Wallace
Managing Director

George is an amazing speaker, who can take complex financial topics and explain them in a really easy way. He is a global excutive with broad expertise that can motivate an audience quickly, and he did so with me and many of the people around me! I especially enjoyed his passion for treating people fairly, which is not something I see a lot of in business. Thank you George!

Mary Verrone
Global Organizational IT Change Management Strategist

(Fuente: Linkedin)


Los Certificados de Profesionalidad para Ejecutivos por parte de los líderes empresariales y las mejores universidades, buscan satisfacer las necesidades de formación de las personas para adquirir las competencias profesionales más demandadas en la actualidad.

Todos los certificados se podrán solicitar en los formatos disponibles en 

 En este programa podrás obtener tres tipos de certificaciones: 

  • Executive Diploma o ‘Diploma Avanzado’:  certificado general o global de superación de un programa o titulación. Para obtener este certificado es necesario:

    • Haber completado la formación básica [B] y aprobado todos los cursos obligatorios [O] y al menos un curso optativo [Op] de especialización.

    • Haber adquirido todos los certificados de superación de los cursos obligatorios [O] y al menos uno de los cursos optativos [Op].

  • Diploma de bloque (o ‘BLOC © Diploma’): Certificado de superación de todos los cursos de un bloque o ‘pack’ de cursos. 

    • Para obtener este diploma será necesario haber aprobado los cursos incluidos dentro del bloque formativo y adquirido sus certificados de superación. 

  • Certificado de curso: Certificado de superación de un curso. Para obtener este certificado será necesario visualizar al menos el 70% del temario y superar las actividades definidas de evaluación del curso (cuestionarios, entrega de trabajos, …). Dentro del curso encontrarás toda la información requerida. 

Diplomas o certificados de programa

Executive Diploma

Diplomas o certificados de bloque (‘BLOC © Diploma’) ofrecidos

Understanding Business Decisions
BLOC © Diploma

Certificado que podrás obtener si superas los siguientes cursos:
  • How to become a millionaire saving $5 a day.
  • Headcount. Why do companies hire contractors?
  • Inflation & Pricing. Local & Global pricelists.

Understanding Financials
BLOC © Diploma

Certificado que podrás obtener si superas los siguientes cursos:
  • Market research and how to find financial information. For Free
  • How to read any Profit & Loss and make your own
  • How to read any Balance Sheet and make your own
  • Foreign Exchange and Sales growth

Understanding why CSR, financial data, AI & more are good for business BLOC © Diploma

Certificado que podrás obtener si superas al menos tres de los siguientes cursos:
  • Can you make money with sustainability?
  • A solid marketing strategy through financial metrics
  • ArtificiaI Inteligence for your business idea
  • Best practices for management & business transformation

Certificados de curso ofrecidos

How to become a millionaire
saving $5 a day

Cada curso del programa ofrece su propio certificado. Se utiliza como ejemplo el certificado de uno de los cursos.


Todos los alumnos de esta formación obtendrán un certificado de beca por cada curso de pago. Para obtener la certificación es necesario haber visualizado al menos el 70% del temario y superar los cuestionarios y/o entrega de trabajos. El diploma se recibirá al finalizar la formación.

Sesiones en directo


500€ 99€*


*80% Beca

3 semanas
10 horas por semana

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